Середа, 05.02.2025, 14:22
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Хор викладачів
музичного училища ім. С. Людкевича

About our Chorus

      Teachers’ Chorus of Lviv State Music College named after S. Ludkevich was created in 1990 by well-know Ukranian chorus conductor Vasil Yatsinyak and the ex-director of College Teodoziy Sachik. All the members of Chorus are the teachers of different specialities. All of them fond of choral singing and Ukranian history and culture. During their free time they represent the best works of chorus heritage of Ukranian, World classic and modern composers as well. The works of Galichina composers (including Lviv musicians) are also in their program. Volodimir Gnid began his work with Teachers’ Chorus in 1995. Thanks to his professional features, persistence and exaction the Chorus performed many concerts and God Services. It also took part in reburing of Cardinal Yosif Slipiy (1992), in Jubilee Academy in Munich (1997), dedicated to Yosif Slipiy. The Chorus was the winner of the International Festival-Competition of church music in Haynuvka (Poland, 1999). The Teachers’ Chorus was the Diploma winner of the 37-th International Festival-Competition of church music in Montreux (Switzerland, 2001), the bronze medal winner of the 4-th International Music Festival in Rhodos (Greece, 2002), the Diploma winner of Chorus Festival in Jersey (England, 2002) and the Diploma winner of the 13th International Chorus Festival in Nancy (France, 2005). It also took part in conzerts in Czech, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary. Teachers’ Chorus has the original manner of singing, which is based on a classical vocal and Ukrainian chorus Traditions. High professional and intellectual level allowed the Chorus to prepare concert programs in a short period of time and take part in different mass actions. High skill, deep feeling of style and ensemble agreement always have success among the listeners.

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